despang architekten home page

Newspaper articles


2000 Der Standard/Vienna, essay by Franziska Leeb, (EXPO train stations), Vienna/Austria August


2000 Berliner Zeitung, essay by architectural critic Klaus Dieter Weiß (EXPO train stations), Berlin/Germany April
Regional architectural guides


2008 “Architecture Tips” ( passivhouse kindergarten Hannover) as part of the 2008 contractworld magazine / international congress + exhibition for architecture and interior design in January, Hanover / Germany 


2007 (café and lounge Coffeetime), online tour guide of competitively selected gastronomy, Germany


2005 Architektur in Niedersachsen/Architecture in Lower Saxony, „Qualität als Schmuggelware/quality as smuggling goods“

(Neighborhood grocery store Marienwerder/Hannover/Germany), Junius Publishers, Hamburg/Germany


2004 Architektur und Wirtschaft/Architecure and Business, (school for mentally disabled children), Wirtschafts-und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH,Hannover/Germany


2000 Architekturführer Hannover/Architectural guide Hannover, (projects Nr. 196: kindergarten Sternheimweg, Nr.273: EXPO train stations), Reimer Publishers, Berlin/Germany


2000 Architektur der EXPO Stadt/Architecure of the EXPO city, (train stations linie D-Süd/EXPO), Artforum Publishers, Hannover/Germany


2000 Baumeister Exkursionen, ( train stations linie D-Süd/EXPO), Munich/Germany


2000 Hannover Architek-Touren, (train stations linie D-Süd/EXPO), Architektenkammer/Architectural Chamber, Hannover/Germany


2000 Städtebau im Zeichen der EXPO 2000-Die 90er Jahre in Hannover/Urban development by the EXPO 2000-the 90´s in Hannover, (authored statement and featuring project EXPO train stations), City of Hannover,Urban Planning Department, Hannover/Germany


2000 BDA award 2000, documentation book of the award winners, (EXPO train stations), BDA Hannover/Germany



publication reference list - newspaper and architecture guides