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2010 "GLAS", (Farmhouse Voges Germany), Leinfelden-Echterdingen/Germany, June


2010 "Architectural TMT" Proceedings: "6. Europaischer Thermoholz-Workshop (6. European Thermowood conference)", IHD Dresden, Germany, May 2010


2010 "Ecological educational architecture - educating ecological architecture", initiating, invited author collaboration with Dr. Sandra Costa Santos and Geral Klein, Proceedings: "Eco-Architecture 2010", Third International WIT Conference, La Coruna, Spain, April



2009 “1000 Tips by 100 Architects” (10 projects with each one image and authored 60 words tips), Rockport Publishers, Beverly Massachusetts


2009 Proceedings: 97th ACSA annual meeting, Portland, OR, Faculty design award winner: “Tram Stations,” March


2009 Proceedings: 97th ACSA annual meeting, Philadelphia, OR, Faculty design project: “Coffeetime,” March


2009 “New Prefab,” invited foreword, LOFT publications, Barcelona, Spain


2008 “Thermally Modified Architecture,” invited author in initiated collaboration with Xiao Hu/University of Idaho, Architecture & Detail Magazine edition “Wood,” Dalian University of Technology Press / Dalian City, China


2008 “Generation P [ostfossil],” Architecture & Detail Magazine edition “Energy Efficient Houses,” Dalian University of Technology Press, Dalian City, China  


2008 “A Delicate Balance-Beauty and Ecology in Architecture in a Post-Fossil World,” co-authored with initiating graduated student Amber Ellett, Ometeca Institute, Working conference X on the Relationships between the Humanities and the Sciences, University of South Florida, Florida, USA , June  


2008 “Generation P [ostfossil],” author in collaboration with design thesis student Amber Ellett,
Proceedings: “Eco Architecture” conference, Algarve, Portugal, June


2008 “New Thermally Modified Architecture,” author in collaboration with design thesis student Amber Ellett, Proceedings: “5. Europaeischer Thermoholz-Workshop (5. European Thermowood conference),” IHD Dresden, Germany, April   


2007 “New Supermarket Design,” book initiated and co-edited in collaboration with U-CARE student Jamison Burt (including grocery neighbourhood center, Hannover Marienwerder /Germany), Collins Design, New York


2007 “Healing space”, author in collaboration with design thesis student Alissa Piere, accepted abstract in progress “Design and Nature Journal” magazine, WIT Press, The New Forest, UK


2007 “Heimbs Flagship store”, AIT Magazine 6, (Heimbs flagship store Hannover Germany), June


2007 “Social Motion”, author in collaboration with design thesis student Erin Mumm, Proceedings:  “Urban Transport” conference, Coimbra, Portugal, September


2006 “global architectural potential of heat modified wood –woodies but golden goodies”, sole author, Proceedings: 4. Europaeischer Thermoholz-Workshop (4. European Thermowood conference)”, IHD Leipzig, Germany, March


“Build trees”, sole author, Proceedings:  “Design and Nature” conference, Southampton, UK, June


2005 AIT Magazine 4, “Architecture and car: Mille Miglia?” (Verbal and visual tour of Despang Architekten´s projects along with a car test), April


2005 AIT Magazine 4,” architecture and floors”, report as the chair of the jury of the “architecture and floors award 2005”, April


2004 “experiences through own Thermowood projects”, sole author, Proceedings: “2. Europaeischer Thermoholz-Workshop (4. European Thermowood conference)”, IHD Dresden, Germany, May


2003 “fire rating design concept for the solid wood school for mentally disabled children”, author in collaboration with fire rating engineer Dr.Rüdiger Hass, Baumeister B4, April


2000 “Compositional Transport Structures between Serialization and Individuality: the EXPO Urban-Rail Platform for the D-South line in Hanover”, sole author, DETAIL, Series 2000 4, Urban Planning Details, June


2000 “Compositional Transport Structures between Serialization and Individuality: the EXPO Urban-Rail Platform for the D-South line in Hanover”, sole author, PLUS with additional tectonical drawings, June


2000 “Materiegewordene Ewigkeit/Materialized Eternity” authored report about stone as building material illustrated by the projects: basalt stone EXPO train station and club wear façade in the magazine Naturstein/Stone, Lindau, Germany, January

publication reference list - authored publications